Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Waxing the floor

No this isn't a how too on how to wax a Terazzo Floor....

Today, since the weather is getting nicer we decided we had to strip and reseal the floor in front of our elevators. So as per policy, I posted notices on every floor by the elevator button, IN the elevator and garage entrances 24 hours before the work was to be started. We also scheduled the work during the slower traffic times so people wouldn't be too put out by actually having to take the stairs....one flight....

When we were ready to start the work we put caution tape up to block off the area so people wouldn't walk on the wet floor and slip or ruin the setting sealer. We also blocked the elevator  so when the door opened in the basement you saw a star of caution tape. 

One would think that if one saw said tape they would follow the directions they have been reading for the last 15 floors.....One would think....We actually had to stand there and watch for our tenants crawling UNDER the tape...yes I said crawl...I caught one guy coming out of the elevator and asked did he not read the sign? Would you believe he actually said

"I did....but I didn't think you would be standing there to catch me coming out of the elevator.."

CAN YOU believe that? I know I thought my ears were playing tricks on me.....son of a gun....they weren't because ding ding goes the elevator again and out comes another tenant crawling....I asked again "Did you not read the sign?" she honestly said,  

"no, what sign?"

umm..... the one 2 inches from your face! Then I said out of curiosity.....what did you think the yellow tape was for? She actually said I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!

Lady get your head out of your butt! (of course I was only thinking that....)

Why do people think they can just do as they please? Do they not realize they just make the world harder for everyone else...

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